Distance Learning Program

USTMA's distance learning program provides a fun and safe environment for students to complete their school work. We provide guidance on school work as well as supervised physical activity throughout the day.
(Age group: Kindergarten through Middle school)
Please download, fill out and return the form below to your nearest USTMA Dojang or email it to info@ustma.com. Spaces are limited.
Space to complete school work
Help when work is misunderstood
Wifi Connection
Supervised Study Time
Daily exercise
Improved Taekwondo skills
Downtime with friends
Change of Scenery
Safe space while parents are at work

School or Home Laptop
Laptop Charger & headphones
Lunch, snack, and water bottle.
USTMA Uniform
The children do get to go outside when the weather permits, therefore weather-appropriate clothing is needed.
We are proud to announce our partnership with ION Skate Centre!
USTMA campers will get to experience the skate center for selective camp outings as well as have the opportunity to make new friends when the Skate center campers join us for taekwondo!
ION Skate Centre Outings will only be available to the USTMA Leesburg campers.
PLEASE NOTE: ION Campers need to fill out the below waiver before they can attend taekwondo classes at USTMA Leesburg. All sections must be filled and sign by a parent or guardian.
Click below to download our waiver. Please email it to us at info@ustma.com or hand it to an ION representative.